У этой страницы есть русская версия
dbfHeaderEdit can modify:
- table type;
- last modification date (value in the dbf-header, not the file date);
- count of records (value in the dbf-header, not actual records count);
- first record offset;
- record length;
- code page;
- flags for structured indexes and memo-fields;
- link to database file;
and show additional information such as fields' names and types.
dbfHeaderEdit can't modify fields or view data in records as there are many good software for such purposes.
The program requires no installation and can start from any media (HDD, FDD, CD, DVD, USB-flash, etc.).
Since version 1.1 you can choose theinterface language (English or Russian). The initial interface language is automatically assigned to the operating system default language.
In version 1.2 you can fully edit a link to a database file. The table name can be used now as command line parameter.
Example of command line:
dbfHeaderEdit.exe table1.dbf
dbfHeaderEdit.exe d:\database\users.dbf
dbfHeaderEdit.exe "c:\Documents and Settings\User\Documents\count.dbf"
dbfHeaderEdit.exe \\server\base\plan.dbf
In version 1.3 program checks whether the first byte of an opened file is a valid identifier for a DBF-table. Also program compares the actual size of file to the size of file calculated from record size and count.
In version 1.4 program calculates count of records when real file size doesn't match its evaluated size. Some errors were also fixed.
Version 1.5 fixes some bugs related to DBC information, field descriptions and saving files opened from the command line.
Please note that dbfHeaderEdit was initially created for personal use and has no detailed help information. It is recommended that you familiarise yourself with the DBF structure before using the program.
Download dbfHeaderEdit from this site (freeware, zip, 260 kB)
Download dbfHeaderEdit from Dropbox (freeware, zip, 260 kB)